Bed Bugs, The Unwanted Travel Companion
I have a lot of people ask me “What can I do when I travel abroad or domestically to prevent bringing bed bugs back with me? Should I bring my luggage to a Laundromat first and wash it there? I’m a travelin’ man (or a traveling woman for that matter). The only souvenirs I want to bring home are the ones I choose to bring home. I don’t want to travel with, stay with or come home with bed bugs. Nobody does, except perhaps other bed bugs. How do I keep these free loading pests from becoming travel companions?
5 “Safe Practices” that Can Help
There are “best practices’ in your work place to employ. There are “safe practices” in travel guides. Bed bugs are opportunistic pests that you’ll encounter at hotels, in airports, even in rental cars. Actually anywhere where to the turnover of guests is frequent is a transfer area and breeding ground for bed bugs.
To eradicate bed bugs, you’ll need to:
- Expose them to extreme heat; over 125 degrees. It’s a good practice to wash clothes and dry clothing at the highest heat settings before bringing them into your residence.
- Pack the clothing in plastic bags to help limit exposure to your luggage. Your luggage will wind up sharing space with other luggage when you travel.
- Use luggage encasements before arriving home to contain any pests.
- Use cloth luggage to make it easier to place suitcases in an industrial size dryer on the highest heat setting in a Laundromat.
- If you do experience them on your premises, call in a professional to perform a thorough bed bug inspection to prevent further infestation, it is truly worth the peace of mind knowing they are gone.
Extra Caution Can Pay Off
Travel is a key area of vulnerability in preventing an infestation of bed bugs. Taking a few extra steps can save you from having to battle bed bugs on your home front. Current trends show that you can encounter these pests no matter where you travel or how you get there; car, bus, train, or airplane. Both Nyx of Illinois Bed Bug Dog and Cliff of A.G.A.D. Pest Control believe bed bug prevention is possible by taking an extra precautions. Remember that bed bugs can and will travel with you anywhere if you aren’t being cautious. It’s a real bite. Literally.